
ytd i was invited by peng to attend the carnival of methodish school..

which is mr.hong hong's school la.. lolz.. >< but both of us duno the way..

haha... but finally also managed to reach there la..

based on the map found by peng before com to fetch me.. :P

the school was... huge... n.... 'old' style.. haha..

it not nid to decorate ady a little bit looks like haunted house..

especially the canteen.. lolz.. like underground de.. ><


for me... this image is very scary n haunted.. lolz..

erm.. they also hav haunted house available.. RM6 per lane ==

so geng hor... haha... haunted house oso got lane de.. haha

we bought a lot of food by using rm20 of coupon.. damn full de...

i ady ate breakfast.. go there stil eat again.. @.@

before tat i requested to bac home @ 12pm..

but peng really did it.. haha.. i reached home around 1145am..

haha... thx peg to bring me go there ya!

n hor.. haha.. i finally saw their GF ady.. nt bad wor..

but hor.. dun so teruk la..

frend leh.. oso act like duno..

haiz.. sad sad niah.. wahahaha :P



    創作者 ChLoE 的頭像

    I ♥ My World 2.0 ™

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