this is my 2nd week of holidays..
meant that i ady spent 2 weeks of holidays..
which is 2/5 of my total holidays... pass so fast neh..><
the 1st week is an interesting bcz of visit to SG for 4 days..
but this week oso not bad lo.. even dint go anywhere..
everyday i oso repeating the same thing as wad i will do during hols..
which are SDO and PPS.. haha.. game n dramas r my best frend during hols..
recently i found tat i bcum lazier than last time liao..
before that actually i can watch more than 2 dramas in 2 weeks if fast de..
now.. lolz.. ady in the 2nd week oso cant even finish the 2nd drama... =='''
but at least i ady finish the 个人取向 la.. n started to like lee min ho
again due to this drama.. haha ><
now im watching 灰姑娘的姐姐 very nice oh.. ^^
but hor.. i quite worry bout the time le..
bcz my hols almost the half ady but in my list still hav a lot of drama
that i wanted to watch de.. like PASTA..呼叫大明星...PS男...泡沫之夏...灿烂的遗产...
and others la.. haiz.. the list quite long.. haha... hope can finish la..
erm... the activities for this week got little bit special..
haha... which is i went back to college to visit ah so.. and others
in the chef office la.. ^^ 顺便 bring her the tshirt that bought at SG
then we chat la.. hav lunch la.. then.. nothing liao.. haha..
but.. i folow peng's car to go n back la.. save my petrol neh! haha..
i ate my favourite ayam penyek. but.. it seems like not that good without u guys..
>< i even cant finish the rice n sambal.. lolz.. ><
haha.. lili's top fans oso ate wif us. which is Roy la..
im not only went on wednesday.. friday i went again.. lolz..
this is bcz i wanted to go for the MTV World Stage partimer hiring lo..
i went to the interview.. but jus filled in the form 1st.. then they will call for interview.
that day i oso bought my mum's char kuey teow for them...
i bought 5 included mine.. but.. chef office only hv chef patrick wif ah so..
lolz... got another extra 2 packs.. but finally 1 gv to ms.liling ady.. ><
rachel.. lili... vivian.... i missssssss u all so much neh.. ><
faster cum bec oh ^^ haha..
lolz.. i think 10/8 i will alone again.. ==''' u all wont bec so earlier rite? haha
take k ya! muacks.....
nin n peng..
i think i will folow u all again in the future! wahaha.. ><
take k too! lolz.. ><