gone gone gone...
my result is gone...
the big "black spot" in my result...
even my SPM result oso dun hv this kind of grade..
but now... its gone... all gone...
why is that subject??? y... y... y....
if the subject that get C is another subject..
i oso wont be so upset.. ==''' but..
when i 1st saw my result.. all my mind is that fucker..
the fucker that same group wif me for this subject's assignment..
but i knw.. its not their fault.. bcz its a GROUP assignment..
cannot said it is sumone's fault.. so.. suan liao..
haiz... i oso knw my english not good la.. lolz..
jus 1 more mark.. if can get 1 more mark..
then i can get B ady.. lolz.. =='' unfortunately..
this semester's result actually shocked me..
bcz.. i tot the IT will get bad result bcz i duno how to do..
n jus simply did it when the examination.. but..
the result is quite ok..
1st time i get C in this course..
my CGPA is AFFECTED ady... no choice.. fortune.. T.T
i think the following semester
oso will be like that.. ==''' bcz got accounting.. haha..><
bcz of this C.. i cried a little bit.. lolz.. so 38...
but mayb is bcz toooooooooo upset liao la.. haha.. ><
but now.. im OK liao la.. >< bcz.. im watching PETER now.. haha :P